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  • Merritt Doodles

Anxiety, Depression, and Pandemic Pets

As we approach the 2 year mark of this Pandemic, I often wonder, when will this ever end? I'm not just a breeder. I'm human. I'm a mom, a wife, and a family that has certainly experienced the stressors associated with this Pandemic. We, too, used to enjoy the freedom of eating out for dinner, and traveling without fear. Our home feels all too empty without being able to welcome friends and family over at a moment's notice. Luckily, we have dogs. And puppies. And YES, the do help. In fact, we are one of the statistics. We are one of those 53% that acquired a new dog - or two. ;-).

I share all the time how one of our dogs brings great comfort to one of our children who suffers from PTSD, and Reactive Attachment Disorder. I find it refreshing that the American Heart Association educates the public, and even has a social media hashtag #BestFriendFridays that they encourage people to use to share photos and videos of their pets.

This is such an insightful infographic, that I wanted to share. The full PDF is HERE. This might also help those of you who are convincing another family member to get on board with welcoming a new 4-legged family member.

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